
I'm a late-twenty something foodie who resides in the beautiful countryside of Missouri. When I'm not in the kitchen my time is spent looking after my wonderful little family. One day I'll start nursing school, but until then, I will be chasing after my littles and cooking up a storm.

Inspiration for my food comes from anything I see online, on television, in magazines, and in restaurants. Basically, if it looks or sounds good, I'm going to try to make it. I also have this addiction with cookbooks, so recipes will be coming from those as well. I mean, I can't be the only one who can't walk out of a bookstore without a new cookbook in hand, right?

Anyways, I write mostly about food but I do get a little crafty from time to time, so look out on my DIY page.

Oh, one last thought... I don't own a fancy camera, or have cool editing programs. I use a basic point and shoot, and my iPhone 6. I edit pictures on my phone, or on Fotor. All I'm saying is, don't mind the less than fantastic food photography okay?? Because when it comes down to it, at least the food tastes good.

 I hope my little blog brings inspiration and new recipes to you readers out there!  

You can email me at: eatnoshdrink@gmail.com

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